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our mission

Our mission is to help Hawaii become self-sustainable through collaboration. 

  • Be a resource and community hub for Hawaii’s sustainable sectors: Energy, Agriculture, Environment, Housing, and Culture. 

  • Assist in sustainable awareness, education and advocacy for Hawaii’s people and community. 

our vision

The state of Hawaii has committed to ambitious sustainable initiatives.  We believe in these goals and Hawaii’s future, therefore want to be an integral part of solutions to problems that arise during the process.  Our neutral platform will be an open space for government (public), business (private), non-profits and the community to innovate, grow and collaborate together.  Having a safe space to share with one another will reveal common ground and allow for Hawaii to move forward on issues that we are all in agreement on.  All the projects we focus on will unify, partner and collaborate versus compete with those working hard to support Hawaii’s future. 

what we do

  • BLOGS We write blogs and also have experts in their sustainable sectors write blogs to help promote their business or non-profit.  Should you be interested in writing a blog or series of blogs for us, please contact us at


  • PODCASTS We host a podcast series, “A Talk Story w/ Sustainable Leaders” and invite leaders across all sustainable sectors to be our guests.  The format is very informal “talk story”, runs about 30 minutes to 1 hour and is published on our website ( and all mainstream podcast platforms (Apple Podcast, Spotify, Anchor, Stitcher, Radio Public, Breaker, Google Podcasts, Castbox, Overcast, Pocket Casts) by searching “Smart Living Hawaii”.  Should your company or non-profit be interested in being a guest on our podcast show, please contact us at:   


  • SOCIAL MEDIA  We have daily social media posts for Instagram (@smart_living_hawaii), Facebook (@SmartLivingHawaii) and Twitter (@SmartLivingHi) and we feature many businesses and non-profits that highlight sustainability in some shape or form.  We like to connect with businesses and non-profits regardless on size, financial support, new or seasoned.  We believe in you because you believe in Hawaii’s Future.  Therefore if there is a way for us to help promote your endeavors we will try our best to bridge the gaps and share with others.  Let’s connect today, do we need to know about your business or non-profit?  How can we help?  Please contact us at:


  • AWARENESS  Sustainable awareness, education and advocacy is a huge part of our mission.  If we can be apart of promoting sustainability through education for our keiki or those who are “Green” to Green, please let us know how we can help.  We help plan events, promote, moderate, speak, volunteer and connect.  Please contact us at:​


  • PARTNERSHIPS  We strive to be the catalysts for collaboration, bridge gaps and hopefully create solutions.  We believe that building relationships, partnering and working together is how we will accomplish Hawaii’s sustainable initiatives.  Therefore, we help put businesses and non-profits together when we see the win-win for both parties.  Let us partner you with someone today, please contact us at:


© 2019 Smart Living Hawaii

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